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Associate Resources

AIA Santa Fe offers a number of programs to assist Associate members as they navigate their careers.


The Architect Registration Examination (ARE)

ARE 5.0 features six divisions organized around the progression of a typical architecture project.  The divisions can  be taken in any order and include a combination of multiple-choice, check-all-that-apply, fill-in-the-blank, hot spot and drag-and-place questions, as well as case studies.


ARE study materials, including study guides, practice exams and flashcards, are available for free check-out by AIA Santa Fe members only.


For information and availability of materials,  contact AIA Santa Fe Executive Director Tom Spray

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ARE Scholarship Program

The scholarship is designed to ease the financial burdens of completing the ARE tests for Associate Members. Any AIA Santa Fe Associate Member, in good financial standing, is able to utilize the scholarship funds. Starting in 2017, when an Associate Member passes an ARE exam, through the scholarship, AIA Santa Fe will reimburse the Associate Member $150.00 of the exam fee.


The Scholarship has an allocation of $1,500 per year and has been fully funded for the next 5 years through the generous donation from Ra Patterson of Sunwest Construction Specialties Inc.


Open Studio Luncheons

These lunches are held at various architecture firms throughout Santa Fe on a quarterly basis throughout the year.


The firm will select members of their staff to present the their work to the group of Associate members. The lunches serve as a means to introduce and expose Associate members to the different firms located in Santa Fe, as well as to provide an environment where emerging professionals can ask questions related to career development and receive candid answers from other members of the architecture community.     


Mentorship Program

Experienced licensed architects from the Chapter have volunteered their time to assist members in obtaining licensure.

There is no charge for this service.

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